Professional Standards Unit
23 Apr 2020
The Professional Standards Unit has designed an online learning video to assist all those involved in the implementation of child safety policies and procedures within a Catholic Archdiocese of Melbourne parish, agency or entity. Each parish, agency or entity within the Archdiocese is required to form a Safeguarding Committee, and in this video the PSU explains the role of this committee, suitability of candidates for the role and how this committee might operate.
Check the video here:
Working through the Safeguarding Framework
In this video, the PSU explores responsibilities and legislative requirements in relation to the implementation and compliance with the Safeguarding Framework Children and Young People Framework informed by the Victorian Child Safe Standards, National Principles of Child Safe Organisations and the National Catholic Safeguarding Standards. Practical examples of a parish working through the Safeguarding Framework are offered as well as an overview of the self-assessment tool designed to guide parishes, agencies and entity through the requirements of the Framework.
Viewers can download the following resources relevant to this e-Learning video:
Safeguarding Committee role description
Parish, agency and entity safeguarding responsibilities
Parish, agency and entity child safety self-assessment tool
Safeguarding children, young people and vulnerable adults
The PSU aims to create and sustain a culture within CAM which places the highest priority on the safety, protection and wellbeing of children and vulnerable people. The Unit provides advice and support across the Archdiocese to the leadership, staff and volunteers to ensure that children, young people and adults are safe from sexual, psychological, physical, and spiritual abuse and exploitation.
For more information, please contact the Office on (03) 9926 5621 or email [email protected].