Before Easter, the Catholic Development Fund worked overtime in order to deliver CDF Pay for Parishes. It is an on-line portal where parishioners can continue to support their own parish during the time of the pandemic. Several of our parishioners have tried out CDF Pay and they were inquiring if their donations went through. We would like to confirm that CDF Pay works. In fact, it is now the most convenient way to send your one-time or recurring donation to support our parish during this difficult times. Unfortunately, we still have bills to pay and maintenance works to do even though we are not able to gather as a community. We would like to encourage everyone to continue sending in their support by using CDF Pay. In case you are not comfortable using this on-line facility, our secured parcel-mail box in front of the presbytery is also available for any Mass Intention Request or to drop-in your thanksgiving/stewardship envelopes. Stay Safe and God bless you all!